Tap into a readily accessible centralized repository

with ProgressSoft's Message Depot

Discover PS-MDepot

Build a thriving ecosystem with

Interoperable Instant Payments

Discover PS-IIPS

Strive for a digital economy with

Electronic Checks

Discover Prompt e-Check

A Swift Pathway to Trust:

ProgressSoft's Payments Hub Platform

Discover PS-PayHub
A Swift Pathway to Trust:

Pioneers in payment and financial solutions since 1989

Instant Payments

An interoperable platform for nationwide, instant and always available payment services.

Message Depot

A single, well-structured repository offering near-real-time storage, effortless retrieval and querying capabilities.

Real talk by real-time payment experts

Adopting a Smarter Approach to Trade Finance

Innovative trade finance solutions are transforming the way banks serve their corporate clients, streamlining processes and enhancing the user experience. But what can banks truly expect from these new technologies? Read the full blog to discover more.

Industry Insights

The Surge and Success of Instant Payments
Navigating ISO 20022 and CBPR+ Compliance

What Our Clients Say